There was also a weeding idea on Dig In Dirt, suggesting using newspapers for weed control. Not sure how that would really work, but sounded interesting. I have a friend that uses rags in her rows for weed control, a brother-in-law that uses leaves (he collects bagged leaves from city neighborhoods during the fall, stores them in his barn, and puts them on his garden after it's planted).
Friday, May 29, 2009
Dig In Dirt Blogs
Found a great blog for Gardeners! Dig In Dirt is a Garden Directory blog. There are all types of blogs to choose from. Serious, Chatty, Simple, Elaborate, etc.
There was also a weeding idea on Dig In Dirt, suggesting using newspapers for weed control. Not sure how that would really work, but sounded interesting. I have a friend that uses rags in her rows for weed control, a brother-in-law that uses leaves (he collects bagged leaves from city neighborhoods during the fall, stores them in his barn, and puts them on his garden after it's planted).
There was also a weeding idea on Dig In Dirt, suggesting using newspapers for weed control. Not sure how that would really work, but sounded interesting. I have a friend that uses rags in her rows for weed control, a brother-in-law that uses leaves (he collects bagged leaves from city neighborhoods during the fall, stores them in his barn, and puts them on his garden after it's planted).
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pasture gate next to the garden was left open. The pony and goat noticed and wandered into the yard. When I noticed them they were in between the garden where Annette was working, and me. I panicked and thought they were going to head straight for the garden and start munching on our little starter plants!! So, instead of getting the grain nice and calmly to lead them back into their pen, I start yelling at my hubby to do something!
The kritters got all worked up and started kicking and bucking and tearing around the yard! Annette confesses later that she was terrified they were going to come her way so she stood in the garden waving her arms! In her words, she wasn't sure if she was helping or just airing out her armpits!
I calmed down, ran for the grain, they got their treat and all ended well!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A nice steady rain last night did the watering for us this week! About 1/4"!! No signs of deer visitors, although 4 racoons visited the garage and ripped open the dog food!
We still have to plant our sunflowers. We're trying a sunflower circle for the kids. It's supposed to make a nice sunflower fort.
We also tried some companion planting. We put the pole bean tee pees next to the corn and also planted the squash next to the corn. The tip said the squash will help keep the corn roots cool, and the corn will be a good place for the pole beans to climb.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
TEN bucks in the hay field on the other side of the garden fence. So far everything has survived the wild kritters! We put in some watermelon plants, cucumbers... Hope those bucks don't find them!!
Husband and son plowed and disked the garden throughout April and May. The bean pole for the girls was up and ready. We were ready to plant!
The kids planted the carrots, beans, and pumpkins. Annette and I put in everything else and ended our day off by sitting in the swing, drinking the last of our dirt covered cups of tea, and admiring our work.
To quote Annette's husband, it looks like a serious garden. And, it only took us 5 hours to plant!!
Seeds and Plants
Friday we bought our seeds and plants at Jolly Junction. We laughed a lot, bought too much, and received more advice than we could retain!!
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Minneapolis Moline
Plow Power
John Deere
Pond Irrigation for Garden
Hay Rake
East Pasture
John Deere
Summer Hay
Hay Field
South Pasture
Round Bales
Hay Ride
Ten Bucks
Getting Closer to the Garden!!
Garden Toad
...Until Proven Guilty
Scout and Snowflake
Garden Raiders!
Bird House
Blue Bird Babies Inside